GoSki Oslo

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Beginners in cross-country skiing: Tips and tricks for your first time on skis

Ski course beginner classic

Cross-country skiing is a fantastic winter activity that combines nature experiences with good physical exercise. For those who are new to cross-country skiing, it can seem challenging to get started. This guide is designed to help beginners learn to ski and provides useful cross-country tips for a successful start.


Before hitting the trails, it's important to have the right equipment. As a beginner, you need the following:

  • Skis: Choose skis that are adapted to your height and weight. For beginners, skis with non-lubricated soles are recommended for easier maintenance.

  • Poles: The poles should reach up to shoulder height. They provide balance and propulsion.

  • Shoes: Cross-country shoes should be comfortable and fit well. They should be warm and waterproof.

  • Clothing: Dress in layers, with an inner layer that wicks moisture away from the body, a middle layer for insulation and an outer layer that protects against wind and moisture.


There are two main techniques in cross-country skiing: classic and skating. For beginners, classic style is often the best starting point.

Classic style:

  • Walking technique: Start walking at a steady pace and use your arms to push the poles backwards as you glide forward on skis.

  • Diagonal striding: The most basic technique where you move one ski and the opposite pole at the same time, as if you were walking.

  • Double poling: Use both poles at the same time to give a powerful kick, especially useful on flat terrain or slightly downhill.

Cross-country skiing tips for beginners

  1. Take your time: Cross-country skiing can be challenging at first. Take time to get comfortable on skis and be patient with yourself.

  2. Practice your balance: Balance is crucial in cross-country skiing. Stand on one leg while sliding forward to improve your balance.

  3. Start with easy trails: Choose flat, easy trails to begin with. As you get more confident, you can try more hilly trails.

  4. Use your body efficiently: Use your whole body when skiing. Use your core muscles for balance and your arms and legs for propulsion.

  5. Keep a steady rhythm: Find a steady rhythm that you can keep for a longer period of time. This will help you last longer without getting too tired.

  6. Get guidance: Sign up for a ski course for beginners. At GoSki Oslo , we offer courses that help you learn the right technique from the start.

Common challenges and how to overcome them

  • Falling: It's perfectly normal to fall when you're learning to ski. Learn how to fall correctly to avoid injury and how to get back up quickly.

  • Up and down hills: Practice going up hills with a herringbone pattern, and learn to plow when going downhill to control your speed.

  • Cold hands and feet: Make sure you have the right equipment, such as warm gloves and socks. Bring extra clothes in your backpack in case you get cold.

Explore Oslo on skis

Oslo offers many great cross-country ski trails suitable for beginners. Here are some recommendations:

  • Frognerseteren: A popular starting point with access to several easy trails.

  • Sognsvann: Offers flat and family-friendly trails, perfect for beginners.

  • Holmenkollen: Famous ski resort with good slopes for all skill levels.

Join us on our ski class

To get the best possible start in cross-country skiing, we recommend attending our beginner courses with us. We offer group courses, private lessons and special courses such as "Norwegian course on skis" where you can learn both skiing and Norwegian winter dictionary.


Cross-country skiing is a wonderful activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. With the right equipment, technique and patience, you'll quickly master basic skills and enjoy the winter landscape. We hope this guide helps you get started and we look forward to seeing you skiing with GoSki Oslo!

For more information and registration to our class, visit our website or contact us directly. Have a great ski trip!